Date:   January 1, 2007


To:       Alumni – Woodbridge HS Football Players


From:  Charles McDevitt, Assistant Coach – Woodbridge Football

            Web Site Manager –


Re:      Web Site Funding


My name is Charles McDevitt.  Woodbridge High School Football Head Coach – Brian Russo, has designated me the football program’s official web manager.


2003, Woodbridge Football was launched to provide the players and their family’s access to the team and their season accomplishments on the internet.  Since that initial season, there have been over 51,000 “hits” at the site, with more than 7,300 hours being spent viewing pages! 


            Although the site has been approved by Coach Russo, funding for it has always been made through the sponsorship of local businesses.  This web site is not a profit oriented endeavor, and all funding is utilized to offset the expenditures of the web site. 


            Woodbridge Football is currently seeking “Alumni Sponsors”.  If each and every player was capable of becoming a sponsor, funding by outside sources could be limited.  “Alumni Sponsorship” would eliminate the clutter of ads on the site, and that space better utilized for information relevant to the program.


            All graduating players from 2003 through 2006 have been placed onto the “Alumni Sponsor Page”.  Please help by becoming an “Alumni Sponsor”.  $10 will secure your sponsorship for as long as the site is up and running.  Fill in the player info below with your check payable to Woodbridge Football, and send to Charles McDevitt   557 Lyman Avenue  Woodbridge, NJ  07095-2332.  


All questions and concerns can be directed to us via e-mail at the following address:  Thanks for your time!



Player Name:  _____________________________________________________


Graduation Year: ________________________        Uniform Number:  ________